Saturday, February 25, 2012

How does PS2, Xbox and Xbox 360 system linking offline work?

I understand that you connect 2 or more of one console together and play games together with all the people on all the consoles but where do you put the wires to connect them?

I'm really asking where the wires to connect them go.

I mean, I know with gamecube you can only connect 2 of them together using a modem wire thingy and broadband adapters. But, with PS2 Xbox and Xbox 360 how do you do it?How does PS2, Xbox and Xbox 360 system linking offline work?
Not sure where you heard this, but you can't connect different hardware together. You can connect a bunch of Xbox 360's together to play. OR a bunch of PS2's maybe together (I'm sure theres a limit). But you can't connect them together because the games aren't made to play together.

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